A child in me. I'm still excited and happy over souvenirs and goodies box.
Btw, it's quite unbelievable, my room is painted pink.
: I've been busy with work.
This is a little unusual.
For me to write these honest opinions based on my sister's thoughts, that is heart wrenching to me.
MY REPLY, or rather, my comments that are against you.
Here's what I have to say:
You just don't realize how blessed and lucky you are.
Words like that...
Words like that...
I'm dumbfounded.
Your hard work. Tell me about it.
It doesn't show.
For just one of the instances, that can of potato chips.
I don't wish to reveal the details here.
For that "honest" act, it doesn't justify your so call hard work.
I don't wish to judge on current issue.
I would like to find out about your mention of the scapegoat and more interestingly, who do you think the culprit is? Fill me in.
Papa don't talk much. Do you talk or initiate a conversation with Papa?
What about those additional monthly allowance? What about those calls back to ask you what breakfast you'd like?
You don't realise these effort and obviously, you do not regard and appreciate his love.
Dad gave us freedom, a childhood free of constraint. That's why We grow up, being free spirited.
I don't know what kind of concern you expect from Mum.
Set aside those daily routine of house chores and dinner.
You see how she calculates each single cents for transport fees and her own expenses?
Did you notice that her umbrella is ACTUALLY not in working condition.
She's thrifty so she can give us the best that she can afford.
May I ask:
How much love/concern is enough, to feel loved/cared for?
I'm glad you know I'm reading your blog.
From: Your Sister- Jessie Tan.