I Recommend #11: Arnold's This is so much better than KFC! I told my friend not to order too much cos I can't have heavy dinner. I ended up having 2 drumsticks + fries + 1 onion ring + ice kachang! Yes, it is that tasty that I lost control.
Every moment counts. Lunch @ MOS Burger. Had our fave Ebi rice burger. Checking out on travel books @ Borders. Cindy was the one doing the research for our holiday trip to Perth, I was browsing "Photography in Japan". SUPER EXCITED ABOUT MY TRIP!
Market research for tea pots.
Chit chat @ Starbucks. Green tea latte and Cappuccino. People watching. Counting. Updates on recent happenings.
Dinner at Soup spoon. Clam Chowder and Thai chicken Salad. Still counting.
Back home, played with A-Ki and my sis's new toy from Happy Meal. I am jotting almost everything. Because every moment counts.